WDSME Online
Established 1972
Wimborne District Society of Model Engineers

Welcome to our page on travelling safely.
As with all our journeys we hope you enjoy your ride on our trains, but we do have a few safety rules before you depart the station. 'Big Ted' will help you on your way by explaining the do's and dont's. Please follow his instructions. Thank you

This is a safety announcement.
Welcome to Wimborne Miniature Railway
To help make your trip with us as enjoyable and as safe as possible please follow these instructions.
Keep your feet on the running boards and hands in at all times during the journey.
Avoid leaning over either side of the train and always face the direction of travel during your ride.
Taking pictures or touching lineside items is strictly prohibited.
Standing is not permitted at any time on the journey.
Finally, please wait for the train to come to a complete stop at the platform before getting off.
We hope you enjoy your journey with us.
Thank you